The dangers of dairy explained

by: Melissa A. Bartoszewski, DC

(NaturalNews) Have you ever wondered why humans are the only mammals that drink another species’ milk? Or maybe this thought never crossed your mind… until now. Today’s milk is pumped full of hormones, provides less calcium and vitamin D than other sources, and is causing an onslaught of health problems. Flavored milks offered in schools around the United States are loaded with unfathomable amounts of sugar; the thing parents struggle to limit at home on a daily basis. Understanding the dangers of dairy and avoiding it as much as possible can help to eliminate a number of growing health problems and slow down the onset of early puberty in today’s young population.

Health problems caused by dairy

Today’s milk contains roughly 60 hormones, a number of allergens, fat, cholesterol and has a possible link to turning on and off cancer genes. Most people were taught that we must drink milk for strong, healthy bones but, countless other foods contain higher, hormone-free nutrients, such as dark leafy greens, especially spinach, broccoli, wild caught salmon, and almond/coconut milk. Plant based sources of vitamin D and calcium can be absorbed much easier than animal based sources, and are much healthier for you. Single serve cheese slices are overly processed, high in sodium, and not a significant source of calcium. Flavored yogurt usually contains a long list of ingredients, including the toxic chemical, aspartame. Most people focus on the importance of these two vitamins, but magnesium is also extremely important and necessary for proper bone health, and the majority of people are deficient.

Soy is NOT the answer

Many people believe that soy milk is a healthy alternative to cow’s milk, but it isn’t in fact, especially, for women. Soy milk mimics estrogen in women’s bodies; estrogen dominance can lead to increased risks of developing breast cancer, fibroids, endometriosis and low libido. Thyroid function is also suppressed by soy products.

Alternative, healthier options

Almond and coconut milk are two great alternatives to traditional cow’s milk. Both contain higher amounts of vitamin D and Calcium than cow’s milk and no hormones. Another benefit of using non-dairy almond/coconut milk is that they have a much longer shelf life and don’t spoil as quickly as cow’s milk does. Almond milk can also be made at home with a few simple steps, so you know exactly what you are putting into your body. Almond or coconut milk can also be used in everyday recipes in replacement of cow’s milk, such as French toast, baked goods, macaroni and cheese, etc. and comes in a variety of flavors, such as unsweetened, vanilla and dark chocolate. These milks are minimally processed, contain no trans fats, artificial ingredients and are kosher.

Out with the old, in with the new

Food today is not what it used to be; it is overly processed and chemically altered like never before. We must educate and question ourselves and each other about what is being put into our food and bodies. Be open-minded about trying new things that are healthier for you and your children. It is important to note that almond/coconut milk should not be used for infants in replacement of the mother’s breast milk or formula.


About the author:
Dr. Melissa Bartoszewski is a chiropractor at Estramonte Chiropractic & Wellness Center. She is a graduate of New York Chiropractic College. Dr. Bartoszewski is also a raw food and natural healthcare advocate.

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